ROCIC Services

Criminal Intelligence Unit
ROCIC’s Criminal Intelligence Unit (CIU) fulfills requests for information (RFI) from Member Agencies looking for subjects of investigation, fugitives and wanted persons.

Analysts develop specialized analytical products for investigators and prosecutors to increase their abilities to identify, detect, and apprehend suspects, as well as to enhance prosecutorial success in court.

Specialized Equipment
The equipment loaned by ROCIC makes a substantial difference in building cases and investigating and apprehending criminals.

Audio/Video Forensics
The enhancement of audio bites or video footage assists law enforcement personnel in identifying suspects, removing background noise and in convicting criminals in the courtroom.

Digital Forensics
Focusing on the analysis and retrieval of information from computers and digital storage media, digital forensics analysts uncover deleted files, locate evidence, evaluate the structure of computerized files, and analyze other computer and cellular phone activity.

Training on timely and relevant topics is conducted throughout ROCIC’s 14 state region and at ROCIC headquarters located in Nashville, TN.

ROCIC produces criminal intelligence bulletins, special reports and crime trend videos to provide relevant information to law enforcement.

The RISS Criminal Intelligence Database (RISSIntel) provides access to millions of records through a real-time, online federated search of more than 60 state, regional, and federal intelligence partner systems.

RISS Officer Safety Event Deconfliction System (RISSafe) is accessible and monitored on a 24/7/365 basis and available to all law enforcement agencies, regardless of RISS membership.

RISS Resources
Hundreds of information sharing resources are available through the RISS Secure Cloud (RISSNET)

Membership in ROCIC is open to local, state, federal and tribal or other duly constituted organizations approved under federal or state law which exercise law enforcement of criminal investigation authority with powers of arrest or prosecutorial authority.
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